Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Training Update from Jocelyn!

Out for my morning jog this morning and on the bridge by 5:40am. 2 other runners out, nodded hello to the security guard huddled against the cold and wonder if it's fog or rain coming closer. hmmm. I love the harbour at night - it looks like fairy land with the lights reflecting on the water. Over the Cahill Expressway and towards the Opera House. Stretching a tight hamstring and wondering if I should run up the Opera House steps, when on comes "Eye of the Tiger" on my iPod - question answered! Up and a little jump at the top (it's pitch dark), before heading round the icon with the first drops of rain hitting my hat. Cleaners polishing the floors under "the toaster" building, the first office workers wrapped in scarves with steaming coffees, the homeless at the Quay under mounds of blankets and sleeping bags - Sydney wakes. The glorious smells of fresh pastries baking at the patisserie on Argyle St nearly sway me to stop (except it's not open yet and I have no money - but I can dream). Up the pylon steps and back onto the bridge with the rain teaming down now. James Brown and the Bee Gees encourage me on and since I'm already wet, I may as well continue round the streets of Kirribilli, Autumn leaves filling the gutters and drains and up the final hill to home. A great way to welcome the new day!



  1. I felt like I was there with you - you're a great writer and documenter of the world around you - LOVED it! Thanks Joc :)

  2. While we were all sleeping ... lucky you!
