Thursday, June 27, 2013

Why Are They Running?... Craig - Gold Coast Marathon

You would think running 42.2kms is enough of a milestone in itself but adding on all the hours and kilometres of running before race day makes what Craig is doing for Felicity, in a weeks time, an even more mammoth task! Craig has the following to share with us about his race day lead up and why he is willing to pound the pavement in Felicity's name.

Relying on my fitness only from my squash games, I entered into a half marathon about six years ago. Pounding that bitumen in a pair of board shorts, my dad’s shoes, and the mantra “I can run as fast as a leopard” I found it to be bloody hard work, but it did get the endorphins going.
The full marathon always seemed impossible, until something clicked this year. I had been reading about a few interesting people at the start of the year and realised that a huge amount of running is to do with your mental attitude. I began running when there was no surf, but as the year progressed I thought a marathon may now even be possible. I can’t lie, I’m scared, but at least I can tick it off the bucket list when I make it over the line.
My main training component has been running solo on weekends through the Nerang State Forest on rocky steep trails. I usually run 20km.

Felicity does not get the opportunities in life that everybody else takes for granted. Felicity faces constant challenges and misses out on many of the choices and opportunities we can make. But through her development program she can make more opportunities and experience her world in a happy way. Encouraging people to help fund her Son-Rise program and become aware of Felicity’s needs and helping in any small way makes this marathon an awesome experience as it’s not just about me and my achievement it also helps Felicity.

Woohoo Craig - we are right behind you!! Help us show support to Craig for what he is about to take on (did you know only 1% of the worlds population have ever completed a marathon!) by sponsoring him HERE and in turn you are supporting Felicity!!

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