Click HERE to see the yummy list of stall holders who have been hand picked and are ready to go with all their gorgeous. mostly handmade, goodies!! The hall has central heating, there will be cupcakes and coffee, face painting for the kids, live music, and goodie bags for the 1st 100 shoppers to arrive on the day! Sounds like the perfect Sunday morning to me!
To sweeten the Sugar & Spice experience even more - all the profits that are made through running the June (and September) markets will be donated to Felicity to fund her Son-Rise Program!!
What a fabulous morning! Dancing out of the apartment block to Jackson Five's "Can you feel it", by 5:40am - is that normal?! A brisk walk to the bridge then off for my jog. A still, clear, peaceful morning with no other joggers about till the Opera House. Feeling great today after having a week off (due to a sick child but largely laziness on my part). It's amazing what a rest can do for the body. A sprint up the Harbour Bridge steps then back over the harbour. Lots of people out and about now with running groups and Boot Camps, the first splash of colour on the horizon. Under the bridge and past the grin of Luna Park, along the boardwalk to Lavendar Bay the back again. Happy walkers out today - "Morning!" or a smile and nod of the head. Along the harbours edge till I'm forced into the streets of Kirribilli. Breakfast smells drifting out from waking households, then past my park and up the final hill to home. Stretching and body steaming in the chilled air to Terence Trent D'arby's "Dance Little Sister". A fabulous 60 minute jog to start the day! I'm ready for it! - Jocelyn
Let's play a little game. Image that you had a small book, lets say its a hard cardboard one like a small children's book. Now wherever you are right at this moment, while reading this, take a look around the room/office/space you are in and find a spot for that book to go 'Up'. Be creative & fun. Imagine you were doing it for the entertainment of a child. Would it sit on the light fitting? would it lean against the wall above the window? do you think it would stay balanced on the edge of the bookcase? could you tie it to the curtain?
One of Miss Felicity's most favorite things to do at the moment is to put things 'Up'! She could spend days and days just challenging us to find a spot 'Up' somewhere to put an object of her choice. Felicity will grab an item like a ball, a toy, a hair brush, a shoe, a cup, a piece of paper, a puzzle piece, a hat, a pillow - absolutely anything! Then with her HUGE beaming cheeky smile she will hand it to you an say "Up" - this is where we come into this awesome interaction that Felicity loves oh so very much. With that random item we find ourselves balancing, hanging, leaning, clipping to and tying it from any spot that we can that is 'Up' above Felicity's eye level.
People effected by autism have a need to do 'repetitive behaviors' or 'Stims'. Most autism intervention programs teach you to try and stop these behaviors. The Son-Rise Program has taught us that by JOINING Felicity in her repetitive behavior we can make a connection with her, on her level and build a real relationship from it - AWESOME!
Recently Felicity's dad, Matt, was so very, very proud of the 'Up' efforts he had made with the items Felicity requested he put 'Up', while they were playing in the playroom, that we actually took some photos to show you.
Yes, that is actually a little wooden toy sitting INSIDE the balancing Mr Potato Head toy!! & check out the blocks balancing on top of each other on the window hinges!!
Not bad hey? This just makes Felicity's day and the interaction we can build on and teach her just from doing this simple task motivates us to put things 'Up' for her more and more!!